The acceptance fromOver the past decade, acceptance has risen for the LGBTQ Community, but the discrimination and the voilenceviolence against it still prevails! We, as the youth of this developing country, live inunder the illusion of being unbiased but, in reality, our faces glower when we see a transgender approaching us on the red light.
Suicide rates among this community are 10% higher than the heterosexual youth, the bullying, the torture and
godGod knows what not, the LGBTQ faces everyday, in their schools, neighbourhood and even in their own houses.
Homophobia, the term used for people who have prejudices against
the homosexuals, becomes the major reason for families to throw their queer children out of their own houses. There are places in India where people still don't know what LGBTQ stands for as for them, being gay is a crime and a punishable offense in their web of superstitions. Even after the abolishment of sectionSection 377, the community struggles for the equal rights and even the same healthcare facilities. Most of the young memembersmemmbers of this community continue to hide their sexuality as it makes them more vulnerable to harrasmentharrassment and invisibility. The non acceptancenon-acceptance in the social enivornment haveenvironment has led to various complications in the mental health and the daily life of the community, inclundingincluding forced migration to different places as they degrade the religion or their respective surroundings.
We are the future of this country and we need to look for the struggle behind the Gay Pride Parades, the heated twitter
arguementsarguments and the social media acceptance and see the purple eye of the gay friend in our classes

The day our society
accpetsaccepets the fact that sexual orientation is a personal choice and it is not an offence to any religion, caste or race, that will be the day our counrty would takecountry takes a step forward in growth.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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