Sixth Form Personal Statement
I am currently in Year 11 and am studying a range of GCSE’s that include English Literature and Language, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Education, Spanish, Child Development and Business. In sixth form, I wish to continue studying
chemistryChemistry, biologyBiology and mathsMaths. Chemistry and biologyBiology are beneficial for the career path I wish to pursue. AtFrom a young age, I was always intrigued by the human anatomy and that every aspect of my body had a unique function for me to grow, breathe, survive. Through learning Biology I couldcan understand the living world and the way its many species evolve, adapt and function,. I couldcan realise that everything I know is more complex than I thought. In every Biology lesson, I learnt something new that was always more interesting than the last, and still there's so much more for me to learn. I also want to do Maths andthough throughout secondary I found it challenging but, this made me work harder and find the fun out ofin it again. From year 9-11 I also studied further mathsMaths. I believe that along with Chemistry and Biology, Maths wouldwill help me gain many skills such as problem-solving, and critical and analytical thinking that are vital in a career associated with medicine. On the other hand, some subjects, such as English and RE, I found particularly challenging, and although they are useful subjects in many career pathways, they wouldn't be useful in any way for the career I wish to pursue and thrive in.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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