Some people have a notion that a person’s culture and character can be judged by their costumesthe clothing they wear. I hold the opinion that defining a person’s character and culture by their clothing is not doable, for itpossible because fashion can be affected by the impact of income, social media, and the fashion industry.
First and most importantly, the amount of money people
earnsearn has a major role in their choice of clothes. For instance, people withearning minimum wageswage, struggling with adversity, cannot afford to buy high-quality clothes, while othersthose with financial prosperity can wear elegant outfits, affectingwhich can have an affect on their personality.
Not only this, social media has a massive impact on this belief. As a case in point,
the first roleactors in most movies and TV serials, wearingwear well-designed costumes, becomes abecoming role modelmodels. In other words, as people tend to emulate their favorite actoractor's or actressactress' outfits, - they, subconsciously, judge people by their clothing.
Apart from this, what makes people believe that
costumesclothes are related to personality and culture is the fashion industry. For example, infor every season of the year, various outfit fashions are heldpresented to encourage people to follow theirthe latest trends. That is,means people who follow these trends, regardless of their personality, are judged to have better charactercharacters and cultureto be more cultural.
In conclusion, although some people believe that it is
doablepossible to recognizeunderstand people based on costumestheir clothing, I strongly assert that it is not possible to talk about people’s culture and character by their costumes withbecause of the clothes they wear without considering the impact of income, social media, and the fashion industry.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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