While many people trust movie reviews, I strongly believe that not all reviews are true. Well, I feel that I have a distinct and different lookoutlook from others. However, Moviemovie reviews will either will be correct, or itthey will be misleading.

have read about Joker reviews. and it wasthey were amazing. Therefore, it hasthey were an enormous advertisement. for the movie which encouraged me to see it. As well asAlso, Mymy friends told me that I should see it. I was so excited!
When I
saw it, I was really I was shocked. It was againstfailed to meet my expectation! even theexpectations! Even my expectation of the critical writersreviewers was disappointed. They called it the biggest disappointing movie of the year! Also, they gave it - stars out of 5five stars. even, it'sEven that was too much on it!many!

In conclusion, I firmly believe that reviews help us make decisions.

But I still insist on worrying frombeing worried about fake reviews, or the exaggerated advertisementadvertisements. I still think of havingI have a unique review fromviewpoint to that of other people.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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