It is indispensable that marketingMarketing is one of the most importantindispensable and important tools that contributeand contributes greatly to the arrival of companies or the arrival of the company in general to the main goal of it, which is to increase sales. and afterAfter the Corona viruscoronavirus crisis, many companies and owners of capital investments turned to electronic marketing, which. It was already present, but theits great importance appeared Duringemerged more strongly during the Coronacoronavirus period, which. This helped many businesses to remain in the labor market, electronic. Electronic marketing greatly helped keep the revenue and sales ratio for many businesses in a stable state, and on. On the other hand, some businesses failed. That is why electronic marketing is one of the most important marketing tools and the most widespread at the present time. and inIn the coming years, it will be one of the most successful marketing tools and the most important of them ever.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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