Language exercise with voice
A new style of learning a language

Learn by sound and spelling
for a new world

PC or note PC with an audio recording device.
A microphone, a headset would be useful.
A quiet, private location to do voice exercises would help.

Language exercise is a learning program for a new language.
This new style,
memorize the wholememorizing entire phrases with sound, will be a natural way to start learning.

Sound first
By focusing
on sound, you will
become familiar with the conversation
speakattain perfect pronunciation and a natural accent
3) memorize the most common words
This practice is an ideal method to communicate in a new language. Many multilingual speakers take this way.
pattoTALKS will help you with this method.

80% of
the English speaker isspeakers are not a native.
Whether you're a beginner, or you've been learning a language for a while, everyone struggles with speaking.
All they need
ais training in sound.
parroTAKLS is a simple web application.
No teacher, no level, and no curriculum. Memorize
a phrasephrases one by one, any time you want to try, repeat in a short period (spaced repetition).

4-cycle: listen, speak with the record, compare and write
parroTALKS contains many phrases with four steps.

Listening: try to catch the sound.
Speaking: record your voice and compare it.
Writing: type what you speak.
Confirm: show correct text and information.

Repeat until you
have memorized itthe phrase. To hearHearing your voice will improve your pronunciation.

Essential phrases and expressions
Pattern matching is the secret of AI translation.
Large volumes of data improve its accuracy.
parroTALKS helps you memorize many essential phrases, as well as common words.
With moreGreater exposure before learning a new language will foster your language intuition.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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