Hi, we reopen
We reopened
at the beginning of the month of May, having met all the new hygiene security measure proposemeasures proposed by ONE for the childrenchildren's reception for the 2020 holiday season, and so far so good till now,; no covidCovid symptom has presentpresented itself. I can understand your worries concerning DavidDavid's security and safety, but I can assure you that we all areare all taking the same security measure here as well...after After all, in this covidCovid period, you will agree with me that one person iscan be dangerous to the otherothers; hence, it is a global situation. At home, we have a quantity of hand gloves, maskmasks and all other hygiene gel, all of which you can check with him on his arrival. For his trip to Bruxelles, I propose that he should come with NicolasNicolas' sister, if thisit is not going to be anyan inconveniencyinconvenience for them to do so.

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