Nowadays, English bonds are more common than they were in the past. The term "borrowing" refers to the adaptation process in which words are transferred from one language to the mothermother's tongue. Besides, the cultural contact of languages is a reason for borrowing, and "the dominant language or culture lends more words than it borrows"." Although, it is a long process, it does not seem to be that complex. Honestly, when people find a word in another language to describe something, they do not have a word for it yet, but a lot of time must pass to adapt new words. These words are, simply, used in everyday language or in different brands, e.g. law and government, military, cooking, culture, animals, or in IT vocabulary. It is, therefore, remarkable that the Polish language is strongly influenced by the English language.
Nevertheless, there are some reasons why words are borrowed from other languages. The very first reason is the speed with which technology is developing. Unfortunately, there is no time to create new names for things, events
, or phenomena, and it is easier to "borrow" existing terms. In addition, borrowing reduces the language barrier between employees from different countries, especially during job interviews or business meetings when people can talk freely about their work and hobbies.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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