Dear Mr. Ben,

This is a follow up of our request for access to the rooftop of the Motorways building to carry out the maintenance of our existing wireless internet radio and installation of a new one.
After several formal
letter writingletters written by the Fast creditCredit Admin department and several visitvisits by our IT team and also the Vendor (Cobranet Team), we have not been given the required access to our existing internet radio.

From our last
laterletter, which you responded to, you stated we wanted to erect a mast at the rooftop, and you sent a bill of about 350,000 Naira, which we clarify that we never had the intensionintention of erecting or installing on a mast.

What we requested
for is only to carry out a maintenance on our existing radio and install a similar radio at the same position. This exercise is long overdue and is affecting our normal operations.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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