Ancient and modern hydrothermal systems and ore deposition, along the Aegean volcanic arc (Eastern Mediterranean) - A comparison with other volcanic arc systems, especially from W.the western Mediterranean.

The South Aegean volcanic arc is a subduction
-related hydrothermal system quite similar to other systems found in the western Mediterranean, especially in the Aeolian Arc in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Hydrothermal systems in both Mediterranean volcanic arcs and their associated mineralization includesinclude a full spectrum fromof high temperatures oftemperature sulfide and sulphates minerals, and a lower temperatures mineralization’s (<100oC)temperature mineralization (<100°C) associated mainly with iron and manganese oxides, silicon in some cases, with native sulfur.
Three types of mineralization
related withto typical arc-arc volcanism, with a medium-K calc-alkaline composition which has been erupted since the Pliocene to present, along the active South Aegean Volcanic Arc, have been distinguished:

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