PartnersThe partners are very experienced in delivering services for inclusion of vulnerable groups. All partners
have a large number of implemented projects on local, national and European levellevels on similar topics.
They strive to offer better methods and creative ways
how to answer the needs of the onesthose who need
it the most. PartnersThe partners knew each other from previous mutual projects. MainThe main initiators of the idea of this
project are youth volunteers, who are havinghave almost daily basis contact with our partners across the
the European countries, and mostlymost of them are comingcome from the LGBT Communitycommunity. In addition, from their
experience through their daily
basis contacts they finnedfound out that the LGBT rights are not equal in
the Balkan countries, same asas they are in Europethe European Union countries. In this behave ofTherefore, they made the decision to put
their idea in a project form. Youth Power Germany e.V. together with the volunteers invited all
partnerspartners' organisations to jointjoin in this project proposeproposed project. All partners onin this project made a strong
agreement that this kind of project is very important for the Balkan countries, because these countries
have joined or are in the process of joining tothe European Union countries, and one of thetheir main subjects’ Humanpolicies of human
rights – LGBT and third
Gendergender rights are still not on the same level as in Europethe European Union. The focus
from the partner organisations are Humanis human rights and how these rights are implemented / implementingin all the in

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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