f Recommendation
To whom it may concern :
It is my pleasure to write this letter to recommend Mr
.: Mohammed Yahya Abdallah Taher. He .he was tellhas told me about his desire to pursue highhigher study and I support his strongthis strongly in order for him to take his dedication and skill to the next level.
I have
a long knowledge andknown Eng. Mohammed a long time, and had a close relationship with Eng. Mohammedhim during his bachelor sBachelors degree forduring the period from 2013 to 2018 wherewhen I was deanDean of facultythe Faculty of engineeringEngineering , universityUniversity of hodeidah Hodeidah. Eng. Mohammed was of one of the top five in the departmentDepartment of chemical engineeringChemical Engineering where I taught him several of courses. and heHe was an outstanding student in my class.
has high desirewas very keen to learn, aand was also was highly motivated towardtowards reading and discussing thoroughly controversial issues in herhis field . heHe is active, ,has initiative, .self-dependentis independent,a ,hard worker and havehas good researchersresearch abilities.
He is an excellent communicator and has good
relationshiprelationships with his instructor and colleagues. also heHe can also work efficiently in team work

Based on his performance and, in light of his motivationsmotivation, I strongly recommended him for your masterMasters program, .where I believe that he will be asset to your program .ifan asset. If you have any questionquestions, please do not hesitate to contentcontact me.
Best regards

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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