Suddenly, the opportunities to play basketball together, go to the mall together, or to go out to eat vanished as he graduated. In the absence of my favorite person in all of humanity, I was obliged to continue along my high school journey seemingly alone. Coinciding with his departure, my mother was required to get surgery, leading her to spend an extensive amount of time in the hospital. Separation from people that I yearnyearned to surround myself with led to a strong sense of apathy and pressed me to adjust to life without them, whilewhich I was unprepared to cope with it. An immense amount of aid stemmed from Faisal, as he guided me through inexplicably difficult times immediately upon hearing about my mom’s surgery. FaisalFaisal's being vital to my success and the driving force behind my academia was now quite palpable.
I will forever be appreciative and indebted for everything that Faisal has done for me since my first encounter with him. Whether it’s playing basketball, studying, caring for and spending time with family, or simply talking to each other, he’s set an example for how a brother and friend should be. Forming lifelong friendships isn't easy to come by
, and I’ve been blessed to share a multitude of cherishablecherished moments with an astounding friend. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me Faisal,. I can’t wait to see how prosperous you continue to be and I hope to continue along the path that you’ve paved for me. The catalysis between my enzyme and I has produced a rare friendship between us.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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