The protestant reformation resulted in a complete restructuring of Christianity in ways that we haven'thadn't been seen before. Before the reformation, The catholicthe Catholic Church, specifically the pope, was selling slips of palate called “indulgences” to guarantee entrance in theinto purgatory (heaven)(pre-heaven). It was a scam by the high rankedranking officials, but the common people did not know that. After a while, aA German priest named Martin Luther saw what was happening and decided to act on it. He nailed his responses response, The Ninety-Five Theses, to the door of the All Saints Church. The ninety-five thesis consisted ofNinety-Five Theses outlined Luther’s disobedience against the idea of the church selling indulgences. This also led to the development of the LuthernianLutheran church, but that did not succeed. These two actions orand disobedience led to the restructuring of Christianity as a whole, and the continuation of new ideologies from people trying to worship God in their own way. Although these acts of disobedience occurred, they do not surpass the good changes in an era that were caused by positive disobedience.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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