I had been waiting for this for so long. I wiped the tears from my right eye as I walked in front of my tribe. I fought hard to become the leader and I deserved it better than anyone, especially Ralph. He can mess around with Piggy,. I’ll just go hunt my pigs from now on. We’ll both have our pigs to play with, but mine will be more fun. I counted up the others that had followed me after my argument with Ralph. Some of them were more useful than the others, stronger, taller. That meant more fun. After all, this is our island, with. With no adults around, we can do everything we want. I’ve never felt better in my life than on this island with no adults around. Although, although Piggy is like an adult. He’s so boring and he’s no fun. But that doesn’t matter since he isn’t around anymore.
I decided that my first order as athe leader of my tribe was that everyone had to put face paint on themselves. I don’t know why but the face mask makes me feel powerful,. I feel the adrenaline rush in my blood and the paint sticking on my face as I become the hunter that I am. I feel better with the mask, as though I and the mask and I are one. I am myself with the mask on.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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