We have used AzureDevOps for building and deploying .Net applicationnet applications into Azure WebApp service.
, developers committed code to master branch which had been stored in Azure DevopsDevOps Git Repo, and a build pipeline was started after every commit. This build pipeline was like a script which definesdefined continuous integration process for the app and it was consisted of several tasks . Tasks in Azure DevopsAzureDevOps Pipelines are predefined packaged procedureprocedures with a set of inputs (for example to build a project, we had used DotNetCoreCLI tasks), we. We can add tasks to the pipeline using visual designer or directly edit YAML file. In Ourour pipeline, we had several tasks: installationinstalling the latest .net packages our applications depends on, building application, running unit tests and publishpublishing build results to Azure Artifacts. We had used a Microsoft-hosted build agent, so each time we run a pipeline, we’ll get a fresh virtual machine. The final product of our build pipeline was artifact - .net application packaged into .zip file, which was published to Azure DevopsDevOps Repository.
AlsoWe also we had a configured release pipeline to deploy web applicationapplications to Azure WebApp Service. Our release pipeline was triggered manually, usedusing artifacts produced by building the pipeline as input and performedperforming deployment of these artifacts to dev, test or prod environment. Each stage typically maps to an environment. Within each stage, we had deployed application to the environment that'sthat was associated with that stage.
the release pipeline we had configured tasks for downloading the package from Azure DevopsDevOps Repository and then deploying Applicationthe application to Azure usedusing built-in tasks .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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