There have been some cases where research actually has informed reformations to remand policy and legislation. In Ballard and SubramanianSubramanian's (2013), their study attempted to provide a framework for pretrial policy in South Africa. The purpose was to assist magistrates in making more equitable bail decisions by providing them with information about the accused. Though the policy had little effect on remand in South Africa as there were too many problems in trying to implement it on a large scale; the project was informative in providing analysis and the framework for the policy project initiative.
Other studies focused on creating a framework to improve existing policies by offering recommendations to the policies. For instance, Nagel, Neef
, and Schram (1977) set out a framework for analyzing the rationalization for judges setting out bonds in individual criminal casecases in order to maximize the given goal of the bond system. From their research they deduced a number of recommendations centered on using the decision making to inform wider criminal justice decisions. Another study, Becthel and Lowerkamp (2011), saw a need to look at effective pretrial programs as there was a shift in evidence-based practices within the Criminal Justice System and this shift would inevitably impact upon pretrial. Their study looked at how this impact would affect pretrial policy. The study concludingconcluded that it would provide a basis for monitoring and evaluating among other instruments that would significantly improveimprove the pretrial system.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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