Mats Ek’sEk is a Swedish choreographer and dancer. He has made history with his outlandishlyoutlandish, realistic and radical interpretation of the ballet classic. “He interpreted the content and the style of the second act in a contemporary way for the Swedish Cullberg Ballet - one of the most famous modern dance formations in the world” Ek’s contemporary version of Giselle was released in 1987. He has interpreted the original content and style that was originally used in Giselle originally in 1841. As Mats EkEk'a version is different, he keeps the music of Adolphe Adam: “he uses a 1969 recording of the Monte Carlo Opera Orchestra conducted by Richard Bonynge that we also hear in this studio recording.” His cast consists of Ana Laguna (Giselle), Luc Bouy (Albretcht), Yvan Auzely (Hilarion), Vanessa Mclntosh (Bathilde), and Lena Wennergren (Myrtha).
As I watched the
Performanceperformance, I have noticed how dim the lighting iswas and how the lighting doesn’tdidn’t do any justice to the costuming. The ballet costumes stood out to me simply because it wasn’t the traditional ballet costuming which is; the outrageous tutu. The costuming was very pedestrian, likefor example, with the men in suits and the womanwomen in flowyflowery skirts and cardigans. The background scenery was very interesting, simply because it was very animated compared to what we have watched in class and what we watched for our viewing assignment. Our viewing assignment costuming was veryquite different and the background was very realistic. To draw a comparison towith what we have viewed for our viewing assignment, I can say that the plot is the same, but the costuming and theme is very different.

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