The 21st century is a busy time, with places to be and deadlines to meet every day. Acknowledging this, eagerly opening a book or indulging in English literature may remain the latterlast activity on people's minds each day. However, daily I relish in opening a new book;, or even returning to a recent one and finally finding out what happened to the fair maiden in the castle or the villain in disguise daily. My absolute daily necessity is dabbling in English literature, because I am confident in the fact that novels can assist readers in improving their lives by learning from the problems that the characters endure.

Additionally, many cravings in life are considered perilous if not planned out in moderation. However, the hunger for wisdom is considered the sole desire we can satiate
, since there isn't a risk for overindulgence. As quoted by J.K. Rowling, “Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.” This quote pretty much summarizes how I, and many other readers and I, feel on athe whole. No matter how extensive our wisdom is, it can always be built upon and extended. We readers indulge in wisdom, so we can eventually reminiscencereminisce on it during challenging times.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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