Frederick Douglass appeals to emotion by using charged language, in order to show the world the brutal reality and horrors of the sleeping conditions for slaves. For example, the slaves had to work so hard that they didn't have issues with insomnia because they were worked and beaten so badly, but the sleeping conditions were not ideal. Douglass expresses that the slaves had to “drop-down“drop down side by side on one common bed on the cold damp floor”floor. This is creating a somber response from the readers because after a long day of work you would love to sleep peacefully, but the slaves had to sleep on a hard floor to get their night's rest. They tried to sleep but “very many of their sleeping hours [were] consumed in preparing for the field the coming day”day. The ongoing cycle of working day in and day out and not having the correct sleeping conditions started to put a dampening onnegatively affect their health and their lifelives. Douglass uses powerful words such as “miserable” and “harsh” to paint a picture of the wretched lifestyle that he was born into. The slave masters thought that their sleeping arrangements were quintessential and were a gift, but Douglass addresses that they had to “[cover] him or herself with their one miserable blanket.” As a person not growing up at this time, I feel that Douglass builds a sympathetic and heartbreaking tone, making the readers feel the same type of sadness that Douglass felt during this point in his life. The use of emotion and charged language helps DouglasDouglass show the world that slaves slept in brutal living conditions and also shows the many hardships that they had to live with.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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