Going beyond boundaries.
Boundaries are always about physicality
,; what is physical can be described as just a limitation, the same as our body . Although you can stretch it to some extent, the nature of it remains intact. You can not always grow? Cangrow, can you ? That's truly a limitation. But have you ever wondered about the human mind? The greatest gift that God blessed out uponsupon us which opens up new dimensions. Can you assign any boundary to it? while While you are thinking, let me clarify it a little more. Our two fundementalfundamental faculties which are of memory and imagination have a limitless sense of power. You can close your eyes and become the person you want, the star that you hope, the athlete that you wish. Or, or have the love you are craving for, or anything that is not in your exprienceexperience right now. Isn't it phenomenal ?basicallyphenomenal? Basically every human being aspires to have a full fledgefull-fledged life or to have something more,. whatWhat I mean by these sayings is that you can bend the reality and write your own story because your imagination can be real. than real , don'tDon't take it for granted, there is no fixed context. .try Try to think out of the box. You will not recievereceive what you are asking for . You will recievereceive what you deserve.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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