Yes, I do agree with Socrates’ attitude. Socrates believes that happiness is not attained through acquiring monetary wealth and attaining superficial material objects, but, rather it can be found in contemplating one’s life and actions. Through the process of self-examination, questioning and thinking about things other than oneself, you areone is bound to expand yourone's thoughts and mind. This practice should lead you to an understanding that a person's abundance of money, accumulation of things and consumption is worthless. A selfish existence is meaningless, but when you seek to improve mankind-- this is most worthy.
There are no written papers authored by Socrates
, and as such, this quote was presented by Plato and attributed to Socrates. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who lived from 469-399 BCE and is said to be the father of modern philosophy. Although there were philosophers before him, he was thought to be the first who sought the truth through questioning and inquiry. This quotation was alleged to behave been delivered by Socrates during his trial when he was accused of not accepting state-recognized religions and corrupting the youth. He was convicted of these crimes and sentenced to death. Nonetheless, SocratesSocrates' legacy prevailed through his students, most notably Plato, Xenophon, and Aristophanes.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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