Hello. goodGood afternoon, everyone. howHow are you.you? Today, I will talk about the choices in my future, so firstly let me introduce myself. My name is Hoor, and I am a law student in a low college, so I will be working in a court to try to help the people.

, let’s start. There are many choices for my future job so for. For example, nowadays people which cause many cases that need lawyers to solve it, and that’s why I want to become a lawyeslawyer.
And also it has many benefits.

inIn the future, I think iI can help many people who are having problems because most of them do not have enough information about how they can defince them selfdefend themselves in a court. andAnd also, I can teach them and learn from them if I hadmake any mistakes in my choices .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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