Dear Poulo,

I am the new project engineer in sustaining investment,

and the Moisturemoisture analyses project hadhas been handhanded over to me.

AsIn brief: in vale Oman now we have 3 moisture analyses as following follows:

Units Manufacturer Model Number Documents available Units situation PR reference
MA 1 RTI Moistscan MA-500HD • Product brochure
• Drawings
• Technical Offer Installed on TR 1010.05 without commissioning PR# 13009329
MA 2 & 3 Scantech TBM230 • Photos
• High level
Productproduct brochure
In the store without installation and commissioning -

The next step will be going forward to commission all the 3
For commissioning we have 2 available options :
Option 1 : RTI will commission the Moistsan MA 500HD,
and Scantech will commission the 2 TBM230
Option 2: One vendor to commission all the 3 units.
We suggest to proceed with option 2
witchwhich is better from a commercial point of view.

If we proceed with option 2 we need more technical information to make sure that one
vendervendor is capable to doof doing the job without technical risk.
We request from you
, if possible, to facilitate the communication with both vendors, which will help in coming intoto a conclusion.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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