Ad.1 According to § 232 par 3 of the Decree of The Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 concerning the technical conditions, which buildings and their locationlocations should comply with (Dz.U. [Polish Journal of Laws] no. 75.690 (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 75 item 690 with later changes), the vestibule should have horizontal dimensions of not less than 1,4m x 1,4 m. Inserting a sensory gate we should provide a free space with such dimensions. In addition, § 239 par. 5 of the same Decree requires that the total interior width of the doors along the evacuation route is min. 0.9 m on escape routes. In the case of using multi-wing doors, in accordance with § 240 par. 1, the door on the escape route should have at least one unblocked door wing, whose width must be not less than 0.9 m.
These sensory gates are interpreted by us as a multi-wing door on the evacuation route. This forces
a door wing 0.9m width.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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