For now, we have received the realwear helmet in good condition already. In case of the payment (cash transfer, USD 5,300), it plansis expected to process on 30 May, 2019. In addition to the document, please find the Remittance Advice in the attachment with the supporting document (see Figure 1).

For your
askingquestion about VAT and the invoice, it’s just making me confused because 1)(1) we’ve received the invoice from Alka already, 2)(2) you (Ronno Lee) want to send the new invoice to us again, right? 3)and (3) in case of VAT, what kind of VAT applied to the Kingdom of Thailand or the United States of America? Referring to the Delivered Duty Paid (DDP), it is included, right? (see(See the Purchase Order in Figure 2.)

I do apologise for requesting more clarification on the question again. I’ve done the internal discussion on your inquiry, but we also didn’t fully understand what
was your purpose.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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