Professional success is often longed for and yet not granted to many people.
Required large investments often slow down talented people from starting their own business. This means that gifts, talents, and abilities fall by the wayside. Laura Milde knows the way from the bottom to the top. She mercilessly and authentically shares her experiences, warns against pitfalls along the way and shows possibilities and ways in which "the little man" can
fulfilfulfill his dream and how a woman can build up an interesting, lucrative business from home at no great cost despite having children. For all older people, this information can be a blessing, because many pensioners do not have sufficient livelihood in their retirement time, which should actually be a particularly valuable time in which one should be able to fulfilfulfill his wishes and dreams.
The additional, wonderful gift of this exceptional professional career is personal development
and development. As a result, in addition to a lucrative income, one (often) gets a charismatic charisma, a more self-confident appearance, and happy living conditions.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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