The crisis of Immigrationimmigration is one of the major issues that British society suffers from it. In 2015, the United Kingdom iswas classified as one of Europe’s state greatestmost popular states for immigrants. Where, with the number of immigrants of overexceeding 300.000 immigrants each year, (Migration Watch UK, 2015). According to this classification, they immigrants will be effected onaffect the United Kingdom, and to understand the effects, we should know how British society dealdeals with these effects of immigration. In this paper, I will discuss the effect of immigration on British society and how British society deals with the crisis of Immigrationimmigration.
The immigration issue is
an arguablea contentious topic in the UK. There are a lot of immigrants from European countries, but there are also immigrants from many othernon-European countries (non-European). Britain is considered as a suitable country to immigrate to because of the immigrants get the facility on their life inaccess facilities more easily than in other European countries, such as health insurance and education services. FurtherFurthermore, Britain seemsis a flexible country to getfor getting a job. Where, where British employers favour hiring immigrants because of thedue to foreign employees taken less salarylabour being cheaper than British employeeslabour.

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