At present, KaKaoPayKakaoPay has not yet signed with any foreign Paymentpayment agent company. Because, because they have not yet set their internal policy on AML, alsoand they are only supporting local currency settlement for now.
I said that
Wewe have heard that Xsolla has already been integrated with KakaoPay and asked how they set it up.
They said because Xsolla
doeshas not set up a local entity in Korea, it is integrated through “PAYLETTER” which is one of the existing KakaoPay’s existing local PG partnerpartners.

Of course,
bokuBoku can do a direct deal with KakaoPay if boku setBoku sets up a local entity and bank account. But it seems it will take some time to do that.
They confirmed that
kakaoPayKakaoPay supports tokenization,. When KakaoPay uses a card for a payment, it only provides the token, without exposing any of the original card details.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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