Psy 507 has taken me to a more solid and clear path to develop and enlighten my flourishing plan. The integrative aspect of theology and psychology makes my journey more reachable and strengthenstrengthens my hope, courage, and self- control. I could say that now my vision, my calls, are starting to take shape. The emphasis on the unity of the body and soul, with the essential integration of ther instinct and emotion with the grace and intellect, is crucial into my flourishing development plan. Now, after this course, I am more confident that iI am able to reach my long -term and SMART goals.
Before taking the Psy 507, I had reasons and intellect in the analysis and approach of my development and flourishing plan
, but now, I can use the lens of faith, which represents such an additional important tool. My spirituality is back on track with the integration of reason, free-will, self-control, and the virtue of temparencetemperance. My plan is more relevant and achievable.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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