magineImagine being called fat as a pig, in a class group chat. Won’tchat? Wouldn’t that hurt and leave a scar. Makesscar? Make you not wantingwant to go to school, judgingjudge yourself and takingtake pills to reduce your weight. weight? Every day, an adolescent watches porn, making their life harder, what is. What if that was your friend or sister.your sister? The internet isn’t a safe place for teens without supervision. Teens need to be careful. There are cruelis cruelty waiting to capture you when you are off guard.

Cyberbullying is one of the predators
lackinglurking in the shadowshadows. ItsIt's common on the internet and can costcause lots of extinguishing lifeanguish and harm in life. Over 80% of teens use a cellphone regularly, making it the most social medium for cyberbullies. About 75% of students admit they have visited a website bashing another student. CyberbulliesCyberbullying victims are two to nine times more likely to commit suicide. It threats to the teenIf a teen is threatened, only one in ten will tell their parents ofabout what they are going through.

Other than cyberbullying
, there is sexual texting and also watching violating pornography. Teens have easy access to the internet. Admitting that they watchedwatch pornography at a young age, they gotget away with it by having a fake adults accountadult accounts. In school'sschools, it is common among classmates to; 70% said that most of their classmates watch porn. Other than watching porn, teens havemany teens have a frequent habit of sexsexual texting. Also, also known as sexting, there. There are sexual assaultspredators who use sexting to get pictures of teensteens' genitals. Making, making the teens regret their decision after they send the pictures. A whopping
of teens go through sexual textingadmit to sexting and watching pornography. watching. 1One in 10 teens seesten teens watch hardcore porn.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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