Edward Snowden, a former employee who worked for the CIA and National Security Agency as a subcontractor in the United States., Born inwas born on June 21, 1983, in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Snowden attended Anne Arundel Community collegeCollege and studied computerscomputer science. Snowden never graduated from college and ended up working as a security guard at the University of Maryland Center for advance studyAdvanced Study of languageLanguage. Fortunately for Snowden, the University had connections with the NSA and landed him a job in the NSA. ThroughThroughout his career in the NSA, Snowden was concerned inabout what the U.S Government was doing to the American public and globally as well. Snowden began to copy classified information during his time in varies ofvarious places where he was stationed by the NSA like, japansuch as Japan, Maryland and Hawaii. In May of 2013 he leaked classified information regarding the surveillance of the American public. In theseThese classified documents they revealed the NSA’s surveillance practices. Currently Snowden is wanted in the United States and has been charged with numerous violations. The U.S Government argued that he had violated the Espionage act of 1917 and has revoked his U.S Passportpassport. Snowden resides in Russia today.
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