These days, the water quality of water bodies is a growing environmental concern, so the studies of water quality are extremely important. The aim of this paper is to determine the water quality status of Kalimantan water bodies, using some physical, biological, and chemical parameters. The samples for characterization were collected from 29 water bodies in Kalimantan, which have been divided into 80 different monitoring stations. The water bodies consisted of rivers and lakes that spread to all provinces in Kalimantan. In order to determine the status of water quality, collected samples were analyzed, using the Nemerow pollution index as a comprehensive index method. The results that were obtained show that the average water pollution index of Kalimantan was 5.35, where it can be categorized as moderately polluted water. Based on the pollution parameters observed, the main sources of pollutants were domestic wastes, agricultural wastes, mining activities, deforestation, and forest fires.
Keywords: water quality, parameter, Kalimantan, pollution index

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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