I briefly spoke to Avi shortly earlier and he explained that this document is used for the company’s carriers and technical team, and now they aim to send it to every costumer/reseller (he is not aware toof the kinds of engagements that the company does)engages in).
I think it’s
is not a good idea. The content of the document contains many recommended and mandatory instructions which are designated to the company’s teams, not for outsiders (especially not for costumers). It might expose us for anto unnecessary risks if the actions isare not executed according to the document.
If the relevant contract
detaildetails some undertaking regarding athe proper installinginstallation of the product, it can be written in a more simplemuch simpler language in this document. But, but I don't see the big benefit fromof this (but(of course, this is not a legal decision of course)decision).

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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