DNA concentration is the first indicator to test putative tetraploid induction. Cellular DNA levellevels of the fresh leaf can analyzebe analyzed by spectrophotometry or flow cytometry. Analysis of variation indicated that a high concentration of the DNA in putative tetraploid in wholeall eight genotypes it ranges between 519 to 600 ng/μl (Figure 4)., while low levellevels of diploid obtained valuevalues between 219 to 250 ng/μl, this. This significant difference illustrates how tetraploidy increasetetraploid increases DNA concentration, thisas reported by Jaroslav (2007) that DNA quantity (C-value) in absolute units of DNA picograms, and the number of base pairs, has led to the discovery of more than 2,000- fold variationvariations in the genome size in plants, with the smallest known genome of 63 Mbp found in (Lentibulariaceae)Lentibulariaceae, and the largest genome of 127 Gbp in the tetraploid (Liliaceae).
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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