Physics is my favourite school subject,it. It includes many amazing things such as astronomy, energetics, and other Fascinatingfascinating things.
The best
things inthing about physics ,Itis that it teaches us how things work around us and gives us an explanation offor everything that happens in the universe fromincluding many phenomena such as gravity, light and stars,because. Because I'm passionate about discovery, scientific knowledge, scientific experiments and the discovery of its theoryphysics theories, I love this subject so much,also. Also, physics makes your brain thinkwork hard to solve its problems, and this asis nutrition and energy for the mind.
The worst thing
in thisabout physics subject is what themany people say about it,most. Most people say it’s a hard subject and doesntlearning it doesn't have any benefitsbenefit to learn it,and theyeveryday life. They also think that studying this subject will make you atheistan atheist and doesn’tnot believe in the godGod.
In conclusion
, I don’t believe those who say that there is no benefits forbenefit to studying physics because it Interferenceis involved in all of the things we use it inin our lifelives like electronic devices, and diagnostic devices in medicine,also. Also, it is interferenceinvolved in all other sciences such as biology, medicine, chemistry and engineering,so. So everyone enjoy this subject and try to love it.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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