Corporate arts sponsorship is growing in importance as an effective marketing strategy for corporations. A great amount of research has analyzed corporate arts sponsorship in the UK and US. However, very little has been investigated about corporate arts sponsorship in China because it is still a nascent field. This dissertation tends to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of corporate arts sponsorship in China by analyzing the motivations for corporate arts sponsorship from both arts and business sectors, current issues for sponsoring art, solutions for improving the current situation, and future trendtrends of corporate arts sponsorship. It also provides three case studies of how art organizations collaborated with corporations. This dissertation shows that corporate arts sponsorship in China is still in its infancy with lots of problems and misunderstandings. Foreign companies with relevant cultural strategies still dominate most of the corporate arts sponsorship. However, many domestic Chinese companies have expressed their interests in sponsoring art. Corporate arts sponsorship has high potential to grow in the near future.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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