I, Trinity Driver, would be a good representative of the National Junior Honors Society. Not because I have been on honor roll the whole year, or because I love service projects. Not even because I have the drive and heart to do anyanything and everything I set my mind to. I would be a good representative of the National Junior Honors Society because I am so much more than an honor roll student with heart and drive. I am an honor roll student who has street smarts, survival skills, and a great support system.
If I were to be inducted into the National Junior Honors Society, I wouldn’t be another “wall flower”. I would make many changes and huge differences. I am the type of person who looks to improve
anyanything and everything. If I were to be inducted into the National Junior Honors Society, I would bring so many new and fresh ideas. Not only that, but I would bring character, leadership skills, and a positive attitude. NJHS is an organization that could use someone like me for none other than the simple fact that I love serving others.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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