The quake in the indian oceanIndian Ocean in 2004 was probably the largest eartquakeearthquake in this century.
TookIt took place on the bottom of the infian oceanIndian Ocean on decemberDecember 26, 2004.
The quake caused a wave of tsunamis that destroyed the
coastcoasts of indonesiaIndonesia, indiaIndia and thailandThailand.
In this quake, moreMore than 290 thousand people died from this quake.
Tsunami waves
arehit 15 meters high.
The tsunami waves on the sea
havereached 800 kilometers per hour.
They destroyed
, destroying villages, towns and tourist pools.
milionmillion people after this have lost their househomes as a result.
There were a lot of secondary earthquakes after this tsunami.
A lot of countries and international organizations have started
a humanitarian actionactions.
After theThe quake, thousand left thousands of people werepeople starving and sick.
After ththis
, so after this misfortune, the wronged parties decided to build an early warning system.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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