Although most of the time the media has been viewed as being insatiable and overly aggressive in their plight for the latest and hottest news, their watchdog-type function is essential in a democratic society where people are aware of the movements of their government. This helps to protect the public interest against malpractice and also to create public awareness. The media is powerful because it can hold governments accountable, forcing them to explain their actions and decisions, all of which affect the people they represent. In a democratic society, people should know all their options if they are to govern themselves, and the media is a vehicle for the dissemination of such information. Freedom of the Speech and Freedom of the Press Acts waswere implemented in the United States and in many countries because some societies had the assumptionsassumption that the press speaks for the people (, 2018). The reason for Freedom of the Press is to ensure that democracy can function. Therefore, it is important to understand that such legislation does not only protectprotects the functions of the press media of today but is also able to act against the injustice, oppression, misdeeds and partiality of our society.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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