​​companyA company founded on, the ideal of family valuevalues is one iI can relate to. treatingTreating your coworkersco-workers as cows has never appealed to me, buttbut some corporate executesexecutives tend to think of front-line staff as imminently expendable. When push comes to kick.its campanykick, it's company loyal that can make the difference between solventcysolvency and bankruptcy. Having loyal, hardworking staff who will see a project through to the end, even if that means extra ourshours are needed to bringmeet a deadline, makes all the difference. That said, though, that if a project gets so far behind that out of hours work is essential to bring it'smeet its deadline, itsit's important to view the project management side of things. Everything that can be done to avoid those situations in the first place should be diddone. Some may say that's a naive lookout, but it's been shown to work in other industries. Manufacturing, automotive, defence, - they've all shown the value of loyalty and detention in the work force.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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