Dear Madame,

I would like to apply for the jobposition of tourist guide, as advertised on the tourist information office website.

During my year of school exchange in London
, I have had the opportunity to improve my english in a restaurant as I accepted to work a smallEnglish while working as a waiter in a local cafecafé and I have gained wide experience in positively dealing with people.
As soon
When as I came backreturned, I started to work as a shop assistant in a shop ofat the city center's mall.

In the view of the fact that I have the requieresrequirements you are searching forseek, I believe that I am suitable for the job.

I would be delighted if you could read the curriculum vitae I am enclosing.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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