He confirmed that our rider to the commissaire, Jerome LAPPARTIENT with two hoursLappartient, had a two-hour delay and apologized to the president of the jury, Mr. DONIKE and explainedDonike, explaining to him the reason offor this delay. He only knew of this penalty when we sent him your letter, because during the Olympic Games (track events) there were no communiques distributed to the teams, only through the Intranet of the Organizing Committee. He was only able to access this Intranet only fromsince 13 August, following the malfunctioning access of this Intranet.

Mr. Dagorne has been a team manager for more than ten years (previously for the French National team)
, and has never been failed to confirm his riders on time for all World Championships, junior and Elite, World Cup and Olympic Games, that is representing more than seventy events during this period.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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