TA true friend it's such a person on whichom you can always rely, and you can trust him. If you have someany problems or troubles, you can be sure, you mcayn talk with a person close persto yonu, whicho you will confide in with your problems. Man can't be alone, he should hasve someone witho he can laugh or cry with. FA friend is a person for good and for bad. A lot of aus have been convinced that, in difficult situations, we can count on few people. An interesting example is the ratio of fans to sports stars. When such a person is successful, then he is very popular and he has a lot of fans and ”friends”. But when good form ends only, then our admiration changes into criticism. There are only a few people left who understand, that support and help is needed. We have to remember, friendship is a two-sided relationship. We can not expect everything from your friend,s if we do not give anything away. We have to take care of friendships.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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