The article, 'Working for la Living', discusses how many of presidential candidates had early jobs that were completely different from the jobs that they have now. Today, the candidates are officeholders, past or present, including governors, members of Congress, and a mayor. In some cases, in spite of that, the candidates say that it was their earlier jobs as haberdashers, landscapers, or factory workers that proffervided them with the considerable challenges. Not long ago, the Associated Press asked the candidates to talk about the early jobs that they'd had. And these interviews disuncoveringed their personal sides. While many of the candidates did not want to return to their earlier jobs., Bbased on their job history, the candidates understand the value of hard work. It was ind their early jobs twhaten they struggled with the greatest challenges. Furthermore, some candidates say that their early jobs helped them to get elected to public office and to be the great people who they arsonse now.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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