RShe reached the age of 85-year-old, but that did not stop her passion for science and learning. InAt this age, which many might think tshatould isbe spent in the most appropriate home for the elderly, Munira Hamza was able to gain a doctorate in French literature.
Have Ms. Tunisian, who was born on February 11, 1930, itshad her own library, and starting withed the day sitting by theand read aind seeg, a daily habit she hasd themad since childhood,. iIt iwas theis love of knowledge and exploration, which is the tastiest enabled ither to achieve the dream ofshe it has longd cherished for so long: access toing the state doctorate in Language and Literature of the French civilization and for 2015.
During the preparation of the doctorate,
It was passingts circumstances and hard times makde her relatives are asking her, "Whaty would you do a doctor's degree programs? Why tire yourself?", And her response was, "I dohave a need in myself.", as was hHer husband and her four daughters they support,ed and appreciated itsher ambition.
Munira works in teaching f

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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