According to a 1998 article in Bioresource Technology, vermicompost compared with high-grade horticultural compost: “has desirable aesthetics, has reduced levels of contaminants and tends to hold more nutrients over a longer period, without impacting the environment." 1 It's a win for everyone!
Vermicomposting is worm composting, a way to recycle your carrot peelings, eggshells, coffee grinds, and used paper towels. Red wiggler worms can eat their body weight in food each day. As they eat, the worms create castings that are nutrient-rich organic matter. When castings mix with decomposed organic matter. You wind up with compost full of beneficial microbes and nutrients that, when spread on a garden, help feed, nourish, and protect growing plants. In this document, you'll learn about vermicomposting.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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