I used to always give up when I repeatedly failed something because I believed that some people are
naturally better than others. Later, I realized that this statement is false. I decided to keep on trying
because failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up. When I decided to put effort into my school
work, I saw major improvement. Looking back now, I regret not doing my best in middle school.
If I tried
, I would’ve had excellent grades. The lesson I learned from this is that hard work is useless if you don't believe in yourself.
So how will I use my experiences to motivate
, and set goals for myself?

I will now come up with a solution
. Insteadinstead of whining, and complaining like some little victim.
We all have the ability to change our destiny if we can’t accept it. Having a growth mindset is the key for success. Everyone is capable of achieving their dreams.
Just because you get it wrong the first time doesn't mean you're doomed to failure. It takes time to receive the results that you want.
I keep myself motivated by thinking about the future. There will always be days where I look down on myself, but I won’t use that as an excuse.
From now on, I won’t quit no matter how difficult the task is. When you give up your dreams, and everything else areis gone.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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