My name is Jennifer Martinez the founder of FLEXED swimwear. I am a proud Latina who loves fashion and is looking to make swimsuits for beautiful women around the world no matter the shape and size. Growing up, I experienced body shaming by my friends,. I was told that I needed to eat more because I was “too skinny”skinny. Of course, I listened, but as I got older, I realized that all shapes and sizes are BEAUTIFUL.

I made FLEXED swimwear in
the hopes of spreading body positivity. I want YOU, my beautiful customer, to feel like a “bad bitch”bitch. I want you to feel happy, beautiful, and confident about yourself. That is my only goal, for you to walk out of the room feeling powerful and ready to kill them with these looks.

FLEXED swimwear will make sure to give you the best swimsuits in the game! Not only will they be trendy
, but they will be unique like yourself.

“The FLEXEDswim way”

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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