March is the month of celebration at The Orient. We first opened our doordoors on 25th March 2009 inon Henver Road and moved to our current location in 2015. Can you believe its has been 10 years!?? Our 10th Anniversary only means one thing,: CELEBRATION!!

Thank you to all
ourof our customers, and our former/current staff for helping us to get here. In order to thank YOU for your continued support, we decidehave decided to celebrate our 10th Anniversary with you for not just one week, but for ONE MONTH!! Yes, for the whole month of March.

We will run 2 special offers and 1 charity event in March:
From 1st March until 14th March, for any orders over £20, an extra dish can be added to the order for half of its original price (excluding Aromatic Duck with Pancakes)

From 15th March until 31st March, when you spend £10 or more, you will be given a gift voucher to use on your next order
.: £1 gift voucher for every £10 spent.

On 25th March, 60% of our proceeds of the
eveningsevening will go to Newquay Lions Club. GettingGet a take out from your favourite Chinese restaurant and help our local community at the same time, make. Make sure you mark this special day on your calendar, and enter our phone number on your speed dial =D

Lastly, if you haven't already heard it a
hundredthhundred times from us, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support and customas a customer in these past years, you really have made our business goals come true and have made our 10 years of trading a wonderful experience for us all. Cheers to our 10th year and may there be many more prosperous and successful years to come!!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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